While some men require multi-layered treatment to help in their battle with erectile dysfunction, others can get marked results by improving the way they take care of themselves.
Even if you do need a physician’s help, making changes in the way you live can multiply the benefits you get from treatment.
Try to exercise regularly. The research on the best methods of exercise call for doing it five days a week. Start at just a few minutes a day, if you’ve been inactive. As you get into the routine, and as you become more fit, work up to 30 minutes. If you can’t do five days a week, try to work out as much as you can.
Stick with it. The longer you keep exercise as part of your routine, the easier it is to keep the habit.
You can ask your doctor for help in finding a physical therapist, if you’re unsure about how to start exercising. With professional help, you can get a safe, solid start.
Try scheduling exercise into your day, and look for classes that you’ll have fun in and look forward to. If it’s less of a chore, you are more likely to keep it as part of your long-term lifestyle change.
When you begin to see results—especially the benefits exercise can bring to your sexual function—you may never want to stop! Boston Medical Group Telemedicine encourages finding treatments of all kinds.
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