Recent studies have shown that sales of fake erectile dysfunction medication online has skyrocketed 400% in recent years, yet these medications can cause all types of health risks, and in some cases have even caused death. This from an article at entitled, “Selling erections on the internet”, which details the increased sales and usage of fake erectile enhancement medications.
Much of the push for increased sales of less-expensive fake ED medication over the Internet is the stigma surrounding it. Many men would rather keep quiet about the problem to avoid potential embarrassment rather than seeing help from doctors. Over a quarter of men who apparently purchase ED medication over the Internet does so without consulting a doctor first. Even when offered confidential treatments such as The Boston Method from Boston Medical Group Telemedicine, more men seem to feel more comfortable taking a risk with cheap face ED drugs over the Internet.
The problems with these fake ED drugs is that they can be made in such a way to either cause health problems or do nothing at all, depending on the mixture of medicines within the medication. Since they aren’t made by qualified professionals, they lack the quality control found in name-brand medications. The lesson here, one would think, is to see a professional — such as those at Boston Medical Group Telemedicine — if you think you have a problem with ED, rather than trying to solve your health problems on your own.