You are what you eat. Have you ever heard that before? Well, that may or may not be true, but the simple fact is that you can affected very strongly by what you eat, and that effect can gravitate over to the way you are able to perform sexually.
That is because high cholesterol levels can have a bearing on your possibility of developing erectile dysfunction, and Boston Medical Group Telemedicine, the leading experts in this field, think that you should know that.
Certainly you need cholesterol in your blood. What you don’t need is HIGH cholesterol, because in that case fatty deposits build up in your vessels that can greatly inhibit the flow of blood. This puts you at risk for a number of different things.
One of those things is a heart attack. Another is a stroke.
Yet another is erectile dysfunction.
And it makes sense, when you think about it, and you have the understanding that the process of achieving and maintaining erection has to do with the proper flow of blood through the arteries. Logically, it follows that when those arteries are clogged, you are going to have more problems with ANY kind of blood flow.
Did you know that having high levels of high cholesterol could increase your chances of developing erectile dysfunction by as much as 80%? It absolutely can.
That doesn’t mean you can’t do anything about it. First, reduce your intake of fatty foods and get some more exercise. And contact Boston Medical Group Telemedicine toll-free at 1-888-740-5170 to get help with erectile dysfunction, if it has indeed started to happen as a result. You will not be sorry.