Got a Question About ED Pill Effects? Get a Personal Answer From an Expert.
What are the Side Effects of Oral Medications and ED Pills?
What are the Side Effects of Oral Medications?
While oral medications are arguably the most well known treatment for erectile dysfunction (ED), they are not necessarily the most effective. ED pills must be taken under strict medical supervision and, in addition to minor side effects, studies show the drug has been linked to some very serious and irreversible health conditions.
Minor side effects include: blurred vision, headache, flushing, nasal congestion, impaired and loss of peripheral vision.
Rare, but adverse side effects include: death, stroke, cardiac arrest, priapism (an erection lasting over four hours), hearing and memory loss and ventricular arrhythmias.
Oral medications must be used under strict medical supervision and only after consulting with your doctor. If ED pills have been ineffective for you or are not recommended by your physician, there are still many alternatives available to you. The Boston Method® can tailor a specific plan of action, without the use of Viagra, to treat your erectile dysfunction and give you lasting results.
For more information, contact the Boston Medical Group Telemedicine today.]