Is Erectile Dysfunction An Underlying Result of Diabetes?
Some men are hesitant to seek for medical advice regarding their problems with sexual dysfunction. These are naturally occurring among several men.
Specialist will help men understand how erectile dysfunction arises as a result of another disorder. Therefore, it is mandatory to explore the heart of the problem. Also, it is important to talk with a doctor about the serious effects ED in men.
Sexual dysfunction can be an impending sign of other problem that the patient is suffering from. Obviously, diabetes is one of the leading causes of erectile dysfunction in men.
In fact, diabetes and ED are strongly associated most of the time. It is likely between 35% and 50% of people with diabetes suffer from sexual dysfunction. Diabetes compromises men’s health and affects millions of people worldwide.
Do You Have Regular BP Monitoring?
Hypertension is another medical condition often link with sexual dysfunction. Diabetes and ED patients are mostly hypertensive. Hence, men with erectile dysfunction require daily BP taking.
It is also necessary to discuss health issues with a doctor including ways on how to deal with this condition.
How Can Doctors Help You?
Experts provide complete physical examination as part of the treatment opt. Patients will undergo series of interviews with a medical specialist. This is the stage of choosing the right course for the patient.
On the other hand, ignoring diabetes and ED poses psychological and physical threat. Therefore, early diagnosis and treatment of erectile dysfunction is essential.