Hear What Our Patients are Saying
I used to have good control. Now, over the last few years, things have gradually become worse and I have almost lost all control. I used to really enjoy my sex life and so did my wife, Evelyn. We have been married for over 30 years, and our great sex life was one of the […]
I never really knew that I had a problem and I am still not sure if I do he explained. I’ve had only one girlfriend before now – Janet—and she never complained. I was her first partner, and we would make love once or twice a week purely by my initiation. In fact, this was […]
I guess that I was going through a kind of mid-life crisis and although I am happily married, I sometimes had problems getting an erection. I worried that it could be she was not as physically attractive to me as she once was. Of course, I still love her dearly. I know that I do […]
Will Thompson
A la edad de 50 años,sentía que no estaba en buenas condiciones para vivir. Ese era mi modo de pensar. En los últimos años, sentía que por mi edad tenía límites a las cosas que era capaz de hacer. No era fácil ver cómo la vida pasaba. Era ver como ver como un día improductivo pasar […]
Michael P. Moss
A la edad de 50 años,sentía que no estaba en buenas condiciones para vivir. Ese era mi modo de pensar. En los últimos años, sentía que por mi edad tenía límites a las cosas que era capaz de hacer. No era fácil ver cómo la vida pasaba. Era ver como ver como un día improductivo pasar […]
At the age of 50, I felt like I was not fit to live at all. That used to be my thinking. For the last few years, I felt my age put limits on the things I was capable of. Watching life go by was not easy. It was like watching one unproductive day go […]
Will Thompson
At the age of 50, I felt like I was not fit to live at all. That used to be my thinking. For the last few years, I felt my age put limits on the things I was capable of. Watching life go by was not easy. It was like watching one unproductive day go […]
Boston Medial Group SAVED ME! I felt so embarrassed in front of my beautiful girlfriend; I couldn’t get any erection due to my diabetes type 2. Following my good friend’s recommendation, I decided to contact the Boston Medical Group Telemedicine. My blood vessels were atrophied so I opted for Rejuvapulse known as shockwave pulse to restore my blood flow. Then I had some penile injections to stretch the tissue. NOW, I got a stronger erection and satisfied my girlfriend AGAIN! I feel like a 20 year old stallion. I recommend Boston Medical Group Telemedicine to every man facing erectile dysfunction.
So I started using IC injections in 2017. Did them for 1 1/2 years & heard about RejuvaPulse and wanted to try that instead of needles. After 6 sessions + 2PRP I am now able to maintain erection without meds at all! I would highly recommend this treatment.
Boston Medical Group Telemedicine has been amazing, I mean amazing to me before and after my prostate cancer. Before I had cancer I had been using ICP —worked so well I got nicknamed The Ball Head Champ lol. Now after cancer I was in trouble sexually, wrong, after prostate cancer gone, ICP worked as good or even better. Still Known as The Bald Head Champ! I'll use ICP forever.
I am so glad that I came to the Boston Medical Group Telemedicine in Dallas, TX!!! Everything that THEY promised to do for ME was TRUE!!! The medicine was AWESOME and it worked every time!!!! This is one of the best decisions that I have EVER MADE!!!!!
This has been a tremendous help for me. It has been so helpful. The staff has been so helpful. I have been a satisfied customer for over 5 years.
I am a 50 year old male with erectile dysfunction. I began treatment from Boston Medical Group Telemedicine beginning May 2018. Within the first week, I began seeing a marked improvement in erections and prolonged firmness for a good period of time. As I continued with the recommended treatment/therapy, I observed continued improvement throughout the months. The staff at Boston Medical Group Telemedicine are amazing. They listen intensely to your issues and are very knowledgeable and thorough with the various treatment options available. If you are like me and are experiencing difficulty with strong erections, I definitely recommend the treatment at Boston Medical Group Telemedicine. You will see amazing results!
Good results!
Great results from a caring staff.
I am a patient at Boston Medical Group Telemedicine. I've been pleased with the results and have enjoyed sex again! The staff has also been very helpful and knowledgeable. Thank you!
The staff are great, welcoming and professional. The doctors are patient to your complaint and do their best to solve it. I recommend any person who wants to go there.
Great experience, would recommend their services.
My first time here and I must say, I'm very confident to get back to my natural state. I really believe my confidence level will be raising higher than before. The staff made me feel comfortable and their concern towards me felt very geniune. Great staff!! Definitely recommend this place.
Thank you for making this product available for me to use because I thought my sex life was over and you made me an new man again. My life is so much better now, I have no shame with going to the bedroom because I know I'm going to perform very well and my girl will be very satisfied. Thanks again!
The treatment is great, I can't wait to get started. I plan to return for more treatment for as long as I have to. The clinic has great staff.
Rock hard results!! Can't wait to try it out at home.
I recommend anyone to use the formula on Boston Clinic because it works for me better than Viagra or anything else that I used before. The staff are always helpful when you need them at anything.
I was so glad I finally came to Boston Medical - when the "Blue Pills" weren't always woking for me -.
I started with the injections and everything started working - and working well! - It restored my confidence.
The staff was incredible. The medication worked exceptionally. This program saved my sex life.
Glad to know help is available. First visit showed that my condition could be effectively treated. The medical staff assured me that my condition was very common and they could provide treatment for improvement. Thanks Boston Medical Group Telemedicine.
I would recommend Boston Medical Group Telemedicine to anyone having an ED issue. The staff is warm, friendly and always willing to help.
The treatment works great and I am very happy with the results.
The staff was incredibly professional and I felt very well taken care of. Pam is incredible and put me at ease and Dr. Sosa was great also. It was overall a wonderful experience for what it is. Highly highly recommend the Boston Medical Group Telemedicine. THROW THOSE FREAKIN PILLS AS FAR AS YOU CAN CUZ THE SHOT IS THE SHIT!
The Boston Medical Group Telemedicine is a top-flight organization. The doctors, and the staff here treated me wonderfully. The medication/treatment worked perfectly, and I'm very satisfied. With everything overall, the total experience was great.
This product has worked better than I had ever thought it would. I haven’t had any side effects like I had with Viagra. It works every time and all the time.
After years of looking for a product that works I finally found it, I have reclaimed my manhood and confident in a performance that I can beat my chest.
The product that I have used is the greatest product on the market ever. It out works better than any pills. The staff is outsanding from the front desk, Medical Assistant and doctor. Doctor explains everything so you can understand what is going on.
I came to Boston Medical Group Telemedicine for help with my issues. They were great in finding a solution. I would recommend to anyone having the same issues.
I have been a patient of Boston Medical Group Telemedicine for several years. The treatment works great for me. The staff is always warm friendly and able to answer all of my questions. I would recommend Boston Medical Group Telemedicine to anyone have ED issues.
First thing I did was researched information and then booked an appointments. The staff was warm and comforting. The doctor was caring. The medication work the first day, it did have to be adjusted just a bit but then everything was fine. The clinic staff followed up to insure treatment was working. I would recommend Boston Medical Group Telemedicine to anyone having an ED issue.
I went to Boston Medical Group Telemedicine after the Viagra / Cialis stopped working. I saw results on my visit after receiving the treatment. Excellent customer service. They have always been able to address any questions or concerns I have had. I would recommend Boston Medical Group Telemedicine to anyone having an issue.
I have been a patient of Boston Medical Group Telemedicine for the past several years. The medication is wonderful and the staff is very helpful. They are very helpful with all my questions and concerns. I would recommend Boston Medical Group Telemedicine to anyone having an ED issue.
He estado casado felizmente con mi esposa desde hace 22 años y teníamos una vida sexual satisfactoria hasta recientemente que perdí mi deseo sexual. No pensé que fuera un problema hasta que mi esposa me enfrentó sobre el tema y me dijo que debía buscar ayuda. Fuimos a Boston Medical Group Telemedicine y descubrimos que yo tenía una condición de baja testosterona. Ahora, estoy de vuelta a la normalidad y mi esposa y yo jamás habíamos estado tan felices y completamente satisfechos.
No poder satisfacer a mi esposa ha creado algo de distancia en nuestra relación. Intenté sugerencias del internet, pero nada funcionó y me causó más frustración. Finalmente decidí consultar con Boston Medical Group Telemedicine y me alegro de haberlo hecho. Me atendieron ese mismo día, regresé a casa y me pude desempeñar más allá de mis expectativas. Me alegra haber encontrado a alguien quien me pudiera ayudar.”
“Mi esposa y yo estábamos a punto de divorciarnos. Por muchos meses dejamos de sentir esa cercanía y causó daño en nuestra relación. Estaba sintiendo algo que ha nadie le debería de pasar como la eyaculación escasa. Decidi visitar a Boston Medical Group Telemedicine y ellos cambiaron mi vida para siempre. Recibí el tratamiento y mi vida ya no es la misma desde entonces…….¡Soy un hombre nuevo!
“Por 2 años tuve problemas con las relaciones sexuales. Algunas veces solo intentar exitarme era un problema y mantener una erección era mas y mas difícil. Sentía como que mi virilidad estaba en lpeligro. Mi esposa era muy comprensiva pero yo sentía que estaba fallando como esposo. La ayuda que recibíi en Boston Medical Group Telemedicine ha cambiado mi vida y ha mejorado mi matrimonio.
“He tenido problemas con la disfunción eréctil desde los 20 años. Estuve casado por un tiempo pero este problema finalmente me llevó al divorcio. Yo creía que mi vida seria de esta manera para siempre y eso me deprimía. Todo cambió después de que fui a Boston Medical. Tengo mi vida sexual de nuevo y vivo plenamente todos los días.
Yo soy casado con 4 hijos. Conforme he envejecido, mi virilidad se ha debilitado. He tratado de todo para darle la vuelta a las cosas…Viagra, gels, medicamentos…de todo. Empecé a no tener esperanza de no poder satisfacer a mi esposa nuevamente y me daba miedo que hubiera infidelidades. Mi situación mejoró drásticamente después de haber sido diagnosticado y tratado por Boston Medical Group Telemedicine. Para todos quienes viven con incertidumbre por causa de disfunción eréctil, hay esperanza.
Yo supe de Boston Medical Clinic hace 4 años; mi primo me comentó sobre su experiencia con la clínica y cómo cambió su vida sexual al 100%.
Así que decidí investigar y llamé a la clínica de Southfield y me preparé para una cita. Me dieron una evaluación y mi primer tratamiento y ahora verdaderamente puedo decir que mi vida sexual también a mejorado al 100%. Yo recomendaría a Boston Medical Clinic a quien tenga problemas de intimidad con disfunción eréctil. El personal me hizo sentir muy cómodo. Gracias nuevamente Boston medical Clinic por mantenerme sonriendo.
El Boston Medical Group Telemedicine es muy profesional en todo aspecto. El asesor Sr. Brendan Torres fue muy cordial, amable y profesional en toda forma. Las instalaciones de BMG son muy limpias y privadas para los servicios que prestan. El Sr. Brendan Torres me explicó el proceso y el método de aplicación del medicamento muy a fondo. Yo altamente recomiendo a Boston Medical Group Telemedicine a quien requiere de sus servicios.
The Boston Medical Group Telemedicine is very professional in every way. The medical advisor Mr. Brendan Torres was very courteous, kind and professional in every manner. The BMG facilities was clean and private for the services rendered.
Mr. Brendan Torres thoroughly explained the process and application method of the medication.
I would highly recommend the Boston Medical Group Telemedicine to anyone requiring their services.
I was introduced to the Boston Medical clinic about four years ago my cousin was telling me about his experience with the clinic and how it had changed is Sex Life 100%. So, I decided to investigate I called the Southfield clinic and arranged for an appointment. I went and was evaluated and given my first treatment and I can Truly say my sex life has also improved 100%. I would recommend Boston Medical clinic to anyone that is having intimacy issues with erectyle dysfunction. The staff made me feel very comfortable. Thanks again Boston medical clinic for keeping me Smiling.
I am married with 4 kids. As I’ve gotten older, my virility has been challenged. I’ve tried everything to turn things around…Viagra, gels, pellets…everything. I began having no hope of ever satisfying my wife again and I was afraid it could lead to infidelity. My situation drastically improved after being diagnosed and treated at Boston Medical Group Telemedicine. For everyone living a life of uncertainty because of erectile dysfunction, there is hope.
I have had trouble with erectile dysfunction since my 20s. I was married for a time, but this problem eventually led to my divorce. I thought that my life was going to be like this forever and it depressed me. Everything changed after I went to Boston Medical. I have my sex life again and I’m living fully everyday.
For 2 years, I had trouble in bed. Sometimes just getting aroused was a problem and maintaining an erection was getting more and more difficult. I felt as if my manhood was on the line. My wife was really understanding but I felt like I was being a less than ideal husband. The help I received at Boston Medical Group Telemedicine has turned my life around and improved my marriage.
My wife and I were at the verge of getting divorced. We have not felt close for many months now and it had turned our relationship towards the worst. I was experiencing something nobody should ever go through premature ejaculation. I decided to visit Boston Medical Group Telemedicine and they changed my life forever. I underwent treatment and my life has not been the same since...I am a new man!
Not being able to satisfy my wife has create some distance in our relationship. I tried every tip I read on the internet, but none of them worked and just caused me more frustration. So, I finally decided to consult with Boston Medical Group Telemedicine and I am glad I did. I was treated that day, went home and was able to perform beyond my expectations. I am so glad I found someone that could help me.
I have been happily married to my wife for 22 years and we used to have a satisfying sex life until recently as I have really lost my sex drive. I didn't think this was an issue until my wife finally confronted me about it and told me we needed to make a change. She told me that I need to ask for help. We went to Boston Medical Group Telemedicine and we found out that I had a Low-T condition. Now, I’m back on track and my wife & I have never been any happier and fully-satisfied.
I can remember the worry I felt the moment I learned that I had low testosterone. It was the reason I had been feeling depressed for a while now , which has caused my sex life to suffer. Everytime I looked at my wife I felt powerless and devastated with my inability to perform. I finally decided to consult Boston Medical Group Telemedicine to receive treatment and support for my condition.. They helped me get my normal life back and nothing could get any better than that.
I am very pleased with the results that I have achieved with the help of Boston Medical Group Telemedicine. It has changed my life dramatically for the better and I would recommend this to anyone.
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