What Is
Testosterone is the key hormone produced by the Leydig cells of the testicles and is responsible for the normal growth and development of male organs and for maintenance of other sexual characteristics. Aside from sexuality, it also contributes to some essential body functions such as embryological development, facial hair development, brain function, body muscle mass, bone strength, red blood cells function and even mood and energy levels.
The range for normal testosterone level is 300-1100 ng/dL. It is optimal for a man to get around 800- 1100 ng/dL. When a man reaches his mid 30’s, production of testosterone declines an estimate of 1% each year – 10% in 10 years or even more. Greater decline in testosterone level can happen due to obesity, infectious diseases, excess of blood iron and inflammatory diseases.
Low testosterone level can post significant health risks and physical limitations such as decreased energy, low libido, decreased mental quickness and depression. If left untreated, it may lead to more serious health problems such as osteoporosis, muscle atrophy, alopecia and erectile dysfunction.

If you are looking to improve or restore your sexual health,
talk to a Boston Medical Group Telemedicine physician to see how they can help.