Weight Loss Program
Costs and Dosing Guidelines
Your Weight Loss Program with Semaglutide generally starts with an Initiation Phase followed by a Therapeutic Phase, and finally a Maintenance Phase.
Your weight loss program is carefully designed to induce weight loss in a healthy and safely manner and it is extremely effective. It is a long-haul, well thought-out process and you should not rush to lose weight too quickly. It is important to follow the program and remember to stop eating when you no longer feel the urge to eat. Continue to maintain a healthy lifestyle, manage your stress, have sufficient sleep and keep up good eating habits as well as a balanced exercise program.
Get started for as little as $299/month*
The goal is to get your body to acclimatize to the medication in order to avoid or minimize any side-effects if any, such as nausea or vomiting. Some people experience the effects and start losing weight even during this phase. It begins with the lowest possible dose of 0.2 mg/week for 4 weeks, which is then increased to 0.5 mg/week for the following 4 weeks.
The Therapeutic Phase (2-month duration)
The majority of patients (90% or more) shed significant weight during this phase and can then enter the Maintenance Phase.
The Maintenance Phase-Standard Dose (as needed)
The Maintenance Phase is designed to help you continue to control the cravings for food, hence maintain the desirable weight and body image achieved.
Most people stay on 1 mg/week or 1.5 mg/week, called Standard Maintenance Dose, and do monthly recurring charge to ensure continuous, uninterrupted supply of medication.
You may choose to discontinue the program at any time, but the desire to eat may return within a few weeks of stopping the treatment
Exception: After the Therapeutic Phase mentioned above, some patient may need to escalate to a higher dose for more weight loss, before reaching the Maintenance Phase.
The Escalation Phase (as needed)
You will be taking a higher dose of medication from 2 to 2.5 mg/week for 4 weeks. At the end of this phase, your doctor will determine the dose at which you will need for your Maintenance Phase.
- If the dose remains in the 2-2.5 mg/week range.
- If the dose is reduced to the standard dose of 1-1.5 mg/week.
* a complete 12-week program totals $999 ($299/month + $100 telemedicine platform fee)