If you are here surfing the web looking for answers and best remedies for erectile dysfunction, then you have certainly come across a lot of information about dietary supplements and their supposed benefits for healthier erections and improved sexual endurance or sexual function. It is certain that erectile dysfunction is among the top sexual problems that men deal with, and there are numerous different causes of ED, such as nutrient deficiency or psychological imbalances. Prior to exploring treatments, it is very important to seek medical advice from professionals in order to determine the primary factors leading to ED; however, erectile dysfunction has been vastly correlated with zinc deficiency and its symptoms. Contrary to popular belief, zinc is not simply an element found sparsely in our diets; it plays significant roles in growth, immune system boost, weight loss, and regulating appetites [1]. However, the question we are looking for when it comes to zinc for ED is how and why does zinc help with ED?
The most common solution that comes to mind when looking to treat ED is usually Viagra, however, it has been noticeable by professionals as well as ED patients that generic pills are not only limited to varying and low success rates across the general population, but it also does not seem unique enough for every individual’s sexual lifestyle and lack of performance. With the introduction of the internet, more and more men are looking for natural supplements to boost their sex life and among this list there is a very interesting but usually forgotten theory of zinc supplements and its undeniable impact when zinc is not received in sufficient amounts. It might be quite frustrating to pay a whole lot of attention to zinc intake levels, absorption, as well as possible zinc toxicity; however, can this forgotten supplement be a key to a higher libido, testosterone level maintenance, as well as performance boost?
In order to understand the key concept of supplementation, it is vital to acknowledge the significance of underlying factors when it comes to ED. As discussed in other BMG articles, erectile dysfunction depends a whole lot on underlying conditions, which include but are not limited to low testosterone production, psychological factors, physiological deformities and more. Often, nutrients have been used to help with managing these underlying conditions by providing the necessary elements which are used by the body to transfer, uptake, and transition the required nutrients to a state which the body can use to boost production, regulation, and balance.
Benefits of Zinc Sexually
Zinc is an example of a nutrient which has been put in the spotlight recently, and that is mainly due to its ability to help boost production of testosterone, prolactin, as well as prostate fluids which help greatly during sexual activities [2].
Zinc is a popular mineral which is proven vital for regular physiological functioning, and although it is needed in trace amounts, it plays a significant role in many aspects of the human body’s cellular and molecular functions, ranging from immune system regulation to sexual performance. Zinc is not produced by the body, so it is essential to receive the sufficient amount through diet and supplementation therapy for those deprived of this valuable mineral. Zinc boasts a lot of health benefits such as helping with growth, acute diarrhea, wound repair, blood clot formation, thyroid regulation, as well as keeping the body’s immune system strong, and many more. This article pays significant attention to zinc’s role in sexual health, and its importance in testosterone boosting and prolactin production—two very key sex hormones. A healthy testosterone level is vital for a healthy sexual relationship, as it helps with the sex drive, performance, and erectile dysfunction [2]. Besides helping with testosterone levels, zinc is also found to improve inflammation management by the body and benefits the regulation of treating enlarged prostates. In addition, zinc is believed to help sperm quality, vitality, as well as increased male fertility.
Studies have shown that the recommended dose for adult men is around 11 milligrams of zinc daily. Zinc benefits are many as they are great. However, it is important to note that before jumping on any sort of supplementation therapy, it is always a great idea to speak to a healthcare professional to ensure the right dosage and frequency is achieved. The doctor’s at Boston Medical Group Telemedicine will gladly discuss the rights and wrongs with zinc therapy with patients, allowing them to know what the right amount for their bodies is, and how zinc can be utilized supplementary in their treatment of low-testosterone and ED. It is important to note that zinc may not have a direct impact on erections; however, it’s deficiency can pair well with other underlying conditions, which will directly impact erection and sexual competency. A study also found that zinc improved ejaculatory control for those who suffer from premature ejaculation [3].
Zinc Supplements
The next question is what are some sources of zinc? The most appropriate and effective approach is through diet and eating a balanced portion of foods rich in zinc. Certain foods such as oysters, seeds, rice, almonds, beans, wheat germ, and red meat are good sources of dietary zinc as well as foods in general that are great for sexual health. Other choices besides food would be zinc supplements. Zinc is usually found as the main ingredient of any zinc supplement, or it can be found in multivitamin packages along with other useful minerals. Zinc supplements are available as zinc gluconate, zinc sulfate, or zinc acetate in multivitamins. It is a good idea to look for supplements made specifically for the male body, as these supplements include the recommended dose with each serving, which allows men to receive the sufficient amount. It is always a great idea to speak to a doctor about Zinc supplementation as too much zinc can also play a negative role on your health and cause severe health problems. Zinc toxicity could cause some undesirable side effects such as cramping, nausea, diarrhea, fever, and even loss of muscle coordination, which is definitely something unhelpful especially when it involves a sexual dysfunction like ED. Consulting a healthcare provider is essential before starting any zinc treatment or supplements.
Closing Thoughts for Zinc for ED
Erectile dysfunction can have underlying conditions which impacts the overall sex life of an individual; therefore, deficiencies such as low zinc levels could be contributing to erectile dysfunction and low sex drive. A regular diet including appropriate amounts of zinc can possibly play an important role in regaining sexual confidence, boosting testosterone levels, improving sperm quality, and a better performance in the bedroom.
- https://www.healthline.com/health/erectile-dysfunction/zinc#zinc-deficiency
- https://www.bensnaturalhealth.com/blog/sexual-health/benefits-of-zinc-sexually/
- https://www.spandidos-publications.com/etm/12/4/2083
- https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/316241#zinc-ED
- https://www.emedicinehealth.com/ask_what_vitamins_good_for_erectile_dysfunction/article_em.htm
- https://www.mdlinx.com/article/-is-vitamin-d-the-next-viagra-plus-more-of-your-favorites-in-supplement-and-vitamin-research/lfc-2431
- https://prostate.net/benefits-of-zinc-for-mens-health/
This Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.